human-agent collaboration lab

navigating the complexities of human interaction in the era of novel technologies

hello world.

what’s it all about?

In the human-agent collaboration laboratory (hac lab), Dr. Eileen Roesler and her team shed light on the multifaceted challenges that characterize the collaboration between humans and novel (embodied) agents, thereby paving the way for a more intuitive and socially conscious relationship with the technologies that will shape our future.

The hac-lab’s research consists of two main strains:

(1) human-robot interaction. This research aims explore to the dynamics that emerge when humans interact with embodied technologies. This encompasses research into the impacts of anthropomorphic robot design, trust dynamics between humans and robots, context-sensitive robot design, and even the transfer of gender stereotypes onto robots based on their assigned tasks.

(2) human-AI interaction. These studies aim to investigate how humans and learning systems collaborate. This involves exploring the concept of explainability to improve cooperation and trust between humans and AI, understanding the trust dynamics in interactions involving different agents, and designing flexible automation that adapts to varying contexts.

what’s currently going on?

  • early career women faculty panel

    You’re all invited to participate in a virtual panel discussion on women in their early careers hosted by HFE WOMAN on April 24th, 2024. The event starts at 2:00 PM…

  • meeting makeover: transforming lab meetings

    Attention to all those interested in the hac lab’s research! Our lab meetings have undergone a shift to boost productivity – the weekly meetings are now internal. Don’t worry about…

  • wrapping up the first semester

    It’s almost surreal to think that the hac lab commenced just this August. We’re thrilled about the fruitful time we’ve had and the incredible team we’ve formed. In addition to…

how to stay up to date?

follow us on researchgate for publications
follow us on X @hac_research